Monthly 1.5 hour virtual live interactive mastermind over Zoom. Start 1-on-1 with an Empowered365 Network Executive Coach and we'll gradually connect you to 3-5 other Church+ members as we get to know you and identify and refine your goals and strategies for organizational success. Masterminds are a proven effective strategy for business and career success. 

Surround yourself with successful people

If your organization isn't growing then it's dying. Make its success a priority.

  • Focus on the Bottom Line

    Don't wait until you're in the mood. Be proactive. Schedule time each month to focus on the big picture, your goals, your numbers, your results, your plans. Get real with others in the same boat and help each other be your best.

  • Strategize and Plan

    This isn't the time for talking about your feelings and getting counseling. It's time for evaluating your options, making the tough decisions, and strategizing about what needs to be done to have the future that you desire.

  • Put it into Action

    How exactly are you going to act on this to make it a reality? What are the obstacles and contingencies that need to be dealt with? How will you hold each other accountable and encourage one another throughout the month?