Learn the biblical example set by Jesus and how to embrace the heart of deliverance and inner healing ministry for your church, ministry or discipleship group. Hear from real world experience and learn practical steps to take, important things to consider, and many approaches you can use to start helping people you influence to have spiritual freedom.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Access course using our Mobile App

    3. Introduction

    4. Need help?

    1. Jesus's Ministry Modeled Deliverance

    2. Freedom Is Vital To Discipleship

    3. Shifting The Priorities Of The Church

    1. Street Preaching & 1-on-1 Evangelism

    2. Church Services: Individuals in Need

    3. Church Services: Mass Deliverance

    4. 1-on-1 Sozo or Deliverance-Lite

    5. 1-on-1 Methodical Deliverance

    6. Methodical Self-Deliverance

    7. Using Deliverance Curriculum

    1. Determining Your Ideal Approach

    2. Integrating Spiritual Freedom

    3. Building Your Deliverance Team

About this course

  • 17 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content
  • Ask any questions you have
  • Download and watch on the go

Ready to Give Freedom in the Name of Jesus?

Whether you already have a deliverance ministry, want to start one, want to better embrace it in your church, ministry, group, or personal life, or you're an outside just wanting to better understand this weird, controversial topic and be a wise Berean that considers all your options, this course will help you make more-informed decisions with how you should proceed.

  • Learn why biblically if you don't embrace deliverance you're not fully being a disciple of Jesus, nor are you fully making disciples.

  • Uncover the importance of deliverance within the Christian life and why it's necessary throughout the entire sanctification process.

  • Explore strategies to helping people find total and lasting freedom and why every pastors and Christian counselors needs to be more holistic.

  • Get insights into different approaches to prayer, counseling, deliverance, and inner healing, and the pros and cons of each.

  • Receive practical tips to determine the ideal approach for your church, ministry, group, or influence, and start integrating freedom today.

The Ministry ONLY The Church Can Do!

Deliverance is something every church and believer should embrace.

There are certain things EVERY church should prioritize—and this is one of them. Jesus is about the business of helping to set the captives free yet, we, His followers, are often focusing on other objectives and completely neglecting this. If Jesus spent His 3.5 year ministry casting out demons how can we possibly be His disciples if we neglect this essential ministry—one ONLY the Church can do!

Few churches have a dedicated and educated team empowered to address the specific needs of people struggling with demonic influence. But whether a multi-campus megachurch or a home church, every group of disciples should know how to help people receive spiritual freedom.

However, it's not enough that a few people know how to deal with demons. We need to be replicating, and making disciples that know how to deal with demons. We need a methodological way to train new volunteers so more people experience freedom effectively. Whether you've decided to have public group deliverance services, small private gatherings, or private one-on-one counseling, this mini-course provides a solid foundation to start building an effective deliverance ministry today.

It's time for the Body of Christ to walk in freedom and victory, and this begins with churches, Christian ministries, small groups, and individual disciples prioritizing the right things!

Spread Freedom

Perhaps you're experienced doing deliverance but want to bring it to your church in a not-weird way, or you're new to all this deliverance stuff but open to it. We'll help you make an informed decision to help your people be spiritually free.