Bible Studies
Verse-by-Verse teachings through the entire Bible organized by book and chapter. Careful, contextual, inductive Bible studies that stay IN the book!
Future books being added regularly!
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Ephesians 6:10-20 | Armor of God
Part 1 - The Last Supper, Betrayal Foreseen
Part 2 - Garden Prayer & Jesus's Arrest
Part 3 - Jesus's Trial & Peter's Denial
Part 4 - Jesus's Crucifixion, Death & Burial
Part 5 - Easter Resurrection Sunday
1 KINGS - Chapter 13
Careful Contextual Verse-By-Verse Reading and Commentary
MPowered Bible Studies - Screenshot of Colossians Study recorded live on The Empower Hour #38
Read and study God's Word with Pastor Brian. We will carefully read the Bible together and you'll learn how to read the Bible in context and understand it. Plus get interesting nuggets of insight, wisdom, and apologetics along the way!
When helpful, we will use Bible study tools like translation parallels, concordances, and lexicons together and you'll learn how to explore the riches of the Bible and go beyond surface level understanding.
Additional benefits of the MPowered Bible Studies course:
SHOW LOVE for these teachings by helping to financially support it
ASK FOLLOW UP questions to Pastor Brian in private members area
SPAM-FREE DISCUSSION areas for conversations with other members
DOWNLOADABLE shows for wifi-free entertainment on the go
EARN points and awards in Challenges for watching and participating
CLICKABLE TIMESTAMPS to jump to the verses you're interested in
HD VIDEO Bible studies you can stream to a TV or other device
HD AUDIO version of all to learn at the gym, walking or doing chores
AD FREE no annoying interruptions or advertisements to put up with
Here's a sample of what's included...