Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Access course using our Mobile App


    4. TECRM Course Overview Video

    5. BONUS: The Blueprint for a Transformed Life

    6. Opening Credits

    7. Dedication

    8. Copyright

    9. Author Brief

    10. Foreward

    11. Preface How to use this book

    12. Book Introduction

    1. Chapter One Overview

    2. A — They're Not Our Roads

    3. B — Celebrating God's Glory

    4. C — God's Triune Nature

    5. D — Invitation to Eternal Relationship

    6. TEST (Chapter 1, Section 1)

    7. E — The Necessity of Truth

    8. F — Made in God's Image

    9. G — Understanding Free Will

    10. H — Knowing Good and Evil

    11. TEST (Chapter 1, Section 2)

    12. I — What Do You Want?

    13. J — The Greatest Commandment

    14. K — New Hearts, New Minds

    15. L — The Way, The Truth, and The Life

    16. TEST (Chapter 1, Section 3)

    17. M — Conformed Into Christ's Image

    18. N — The Blessed Adoption

    19. O — Eternal Life With God

    20. P — Two Maps, Two Destinations

    21. Summary

    22. The Purpose of Chapter Evaluations

    23. All Chapters Evaluations PDF

    24. TEST (Chapter 1, Section 4)

    1. Chapter Two Overview

    2. A — We've Got A Bad Map

    3. B — We’ve Got A Broken Car

    4. C — We’ve Got Poor Eyesight

    5. D — You Must Be Born Again

    6. TEST (Chapter 2, Section 1)

    7. E — By Grace God Calls

    8. F — By Grace God Forgives

    9. G — By Humility We Repent

    10. H — By Faith We’re Saved

    11. I — Legal Fines Paid-in-Full

    12. J — Imputed Righteousness

    13. TEST (Chapter 2, Section 2)

    14. K — Our New Car

    15. L — Our New Driver

    16. M — Our New Mechanic

    17. N — Our New Fuel System

    18. O — Our New Owner’s Manual

    19. P — Dying To The Old Daily

    20. Chapter 2 - Summary

    21. TEST (Chapter 2, Section 3)

    1. Chapter Three Overview

    2. A — The Old Road Map

    3. B — The Old Car

    4. C — The Old Driver

    5. D — The Saboteur

    6. TEST (Chapter 3, Section 1)

    7. Section II -- Bad Drivers and Bad Passengers

    8. E — False Religion

    9. F — False Spirituality

    10. G — Carnal Compromise

    11. H1 — Counterfeit Jesus’

    12. H2 — Jesus: God and Human Charts

    13. TEST (Chapter 3, Section 2)

    14. Section III -- Open Doors and Unlocked Doors

    15. I — False Beliefs

    16. J — False Repentance and Faith

    17. K — Sinful Behavior

    18. L — Emotional Brokenness

    19. M — Toxic Relationships

    20. N — Toxic Connections

    21. O — Toxic Habits

    22. P — Hyper-Grace

    23. TEST (Chapter 3, Section 3)

    24. Chapter 3 - Summary

    1. Chapter Four Overview

    2. Section I -- Thoughts & Beliefs

    3. A — Crucifying Old Patterns

    4. B — Clothed in Christ

    5. C — New Identity in Christ

    6. D — Understanding Your Election

    7. E — Losing Your Salvation

    8. F — The Unpardonable Sin

    9. G — How Sin Separates

    10. H — Renewing the Mind

    11. TEST (Chapter 4, Section 1)

    12. I — Good vs Bad Fruit

    13. J — Gratitude as a Constant

    14. K — Optimism vs. Pessimism

    15. L — Conqueror vs. Victim Mentality

    16. TEST (Chapter 4, Section 2)

    17. M — Prayer and Intimacy

    18. N — Worship Way of Life

    19. O — Repentance and Confession

    20. P — Word of Faith vs. Biblical Faith

    21. Q — Rebuking the Enemy

    22. R — Activations and Declarations

    23. S — Power to Overcome

    24. T — Power to Endure

    25. TEST (Chapter 4, Section 3)

    26. Chapter 4 Summary

    1. Chapter 5 Overview

    2. Section I -- The Significance of Fruit

    3. A — What is Fruit

    4. B — Expressions of God

    5. C — In the Kingdom Such as These

    6. D — Those Who Do the Father’s Will

    7. TEST (Chapter 5, Section 1)

    8. E — God’s Law Legislated Fruit

    9. F — In Keeping with Repentance

    10. G — Inward Fruit First

    11. H — Outward Fruit Flows

    12. I — Biblical Justice

    13. J — Social Justice

    14. TEST (Chapter 5, Section 2)

    15. K — Loving Mercy, Walking Humbly

    16. L — Works Without Faith

    17. M — Examine Your Motives

    18. N — Jesus is the Vine

    19. O — Only the Foundation Survives

    20. P — Works-Based or Assisted Salvation

    21. Q — Faith Without Works is Dead

    22. R — Loving Father Who Rewards

    23. S — Proof of Being Jesus’s Disciple

    24. T — Sanctification

    25. TEST (Chapter 5, Section 3)

    26. Chapter 5 Summary

About this course

  • $179.00
  • 198 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • 30 hours of Systematic Theology
  • Lessons are Ebook & Audiobook
  • Ask questions/discuss in all lessons

What Topics Does This Course Cover?

This is a Broad Systematic Theology Course That Thoroughly Covers Biblical Christianity. Everything from the Nature of God to Justification to the History of the Bible to Identifying Your Personal Mission. Review the course curriculum or individual chapter courses for specifics.

  • Bible College-level Theology for Laypeople (Like Seminary for Everybody!)

  • Complete Spiritual Warfare Manual (including Dealing with and Victory over Demons!)

  • Discover Your Unique Identity and Calling and Develop a SMART Plan For Your Mission!

  • Understand the Spiritual Gifts and Church Roles and Discover and Develop Yours!

  • Spiritual Growth - Learn How to Persevere and even Utilize Illness/Suffering for God!

  • Christian Apologetics - Blow Up False Religions, False Spirituality and False Christianity!

  • Learn How To Discern and See Through New Age Spirituality and Word of Faith theology!

  • Unlock and Empower the Highest Potential of the Church and Advance God's Kingdom!

  • Helpful Tables of Key Scripture References To Use When Witnessing To Others

Why use this course instead of getting the book?

There are many bonus features included in this course version.

  • ENTIRE EBOOK version recreated checklist-style so you can easily track your progress, enhanced color formatting, read and check off lessons in our mobile app

  • AUDIOBOOK integrated into each lesson so you can read or listen or do both at the same time, download audio to device option and customize playback speed

  • EBOOK PDF of the full color paperback version to print Chapter Evaluations, Personal Reflection or Group Discussion Questions, search Bible verse reference guide or Topic Index

  • INTERACTIVE - Ask the author questions and discuss topics with other students in any lesson, giving you confidence to host a small group or lead another through it in 1-on-1 discipleship

  • TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE with 25 graded quizzes, one at the end of each section

  • EARN CERTIFICATE when you complete the course. If you do our Transformation Program later we'll fast track you, credit you for all lessons completed, and give you $179.00 discount!

Reviews on Amazon

A must-read for anyone who has questions about the Bible or Christianity


"Holmes wrote this book so that it could be used in a variety of ways. It can be read as a whole, or it can be used in topical studies, for independent or group study... In case you do not know where you want to go in the book, the introduction has a brief paragraph outlining what is in each chapter. In a tell it like it is way, with car analogies (which anyone can understand), colorful illustrations, and brief doses of humor this book is quite easy to follow and comprehend. This book also has “quick thought” sections, designed to really engage you in what you are reading, and make you think. At the end of the chapters there are chapter evaluations, discussion questions and then a going deeper section where you can make a to-do list of sorts, with personal goals, prayer requests and others. The author also makes mention of a companion website for additional resources!! ... I love this book. It is extremely well thought out and thorough. I have not seen anything else like it. I would recommend this book to new Christians, mature Christians, pastors, Sunday school teachers and anyone else in ministry."

Practical, Inspiring, Informative yet Easy to Understand - A GREAT RESOURCE for all ages


"I can suggest that a client get ‘plugged into’ a church but I can’t guarantee that every church is biblically based with a solid foundation (as much as I hate to say that)... The TECRM gives a solid and I mean solid foundation for the new believer and the quite experienced believer alike. It’s a book (a work of art) that I can honestly suggest to my clients (or even use for myself) knowing it’s solidly grounded in Scripture. I’m impressed by the author’s ability to tackle topics some may feel uncomfortable about with a gentle firmness, without condemnation, and in a way to give inspiration/hope. Truth is presented unapologetically and still positively in a way Jesus Himself would be proud of... If you feel you are stagnant in your spiritual ‘walk’ OR if you are unsure on what’s the next step then this book is for you."

LIFE-CHANGING book - A MUST READ for ALL Christians!


"As a lifelong Christian, I still found this book to be life-changing and have already gifted it to a couple friends. There are so many false doctrines and beliefs that have infiltrated the modern church but Brian's book provides powerful teachings and biblically-based doctrine to dispel false doctrines and equip believers to fight off the enemy's schemes. Throughout the book, Brian exposes how the enemy exploits these false beliefs to hinder believers' walk with Christ while also grounding the reader in biblical truth regarding their identity, purpose and place in God's kingdom. Each chapter expertly and succinctly guides the reader through biblically-based beliefs and how to live a life truly centered on Christ. I plan to re-read this book each year to stay biblically grounded. If you want to equip new believers for a successful life in Christ and keep your own walk pure, this is the book for you. I can't recommend it enough!"

Are You Living Up To Your Highest Potential As A Disciple Of Jesus?

You'll learn 8 Key Principles (surveying 140 topics in 28 HOURS!) for Unswerving Faith, Laser-Focused Direction, and a Life Driven by Purpose! Includes Downloadable PDFs of personal evaluations, tables, and Bible Study reading plans to use with the book!

This is a course structured version of the entire Audiobook by Pastor Brian S. Holmes:

The Empowered Christian Road Map
A Guide for Evangelicals: 8 Key Principles for Unswerving Faith, Laser-Focused Direction, and a Life Driven by Purpose

Benefits of This Program:

  • You'll learn all essential Christian theology (and its biblical foundations) to not only understand but walk in complete and unshakeable confidence

  • You'll learn the answers to dozens of questions that commonly cause doubts and lead believers to seek pastoral counseling for help

  • You'll learn the most common problems that cause Christians to struggle in their faith and the biblical and long-term solutions

  • You'll learn how to apply our systematic approach to detect and diagnose problems in your life and use biblical solutions to solve them

  • You'll learn how to avoid common obstacles in the future by knowing truth and being better at spotting demonic lies, false and unbiblical beliefs, and sinful behavior

  • You'll learn why and how to overcome tough life challenges and setbacks by developing an eternal and Holy Spirit-led mindset

  • You'll learn how to better prioritize your focus on, and proper navigation through and influence towards, touchy cultural, social, and political issues

  • You'll learn how to control your thoughts, how you feel, and how you behave

  • You'll gain laser-focused direction on your mission and unique calling as a follower of Jesus

  • You'll learn what is most important to focus on and what to do with your life right now

Ultimate Systematic Theology Course

This single course will give you the most thorough yet important systematic review of the Christian faith and life available. Not covering everything you COULD learn—just what you SHOULD learn!

But it's also very practical..

Is life happening to you or for you?

Don't go another day struggling with fear, doubt or lack of direction! Many spiritual growth and personal growth books are unbiblical or feel-good fluff that quickly fades. But this course combines deep biblical truths with actionable life coaching. Pastor and empowerment coach Brian Holmes invites you to embark on a journey towards a well-rounded faith and a purposeful and incredible life!

Ask Yourself These Questions:

  • What hinders your life?
  • What’s keeping you from Discovering your Calling?
  • What’s keeping you from being totally fulfilled pursuing your Purpose?
  • What’s keeping you from Living Up to Your Potential?
  • Do you struggle with Fear or other Emotions?
  • Do you Struggle with Doubts about what to Believe?
  • Do you Struggle with Confusion about which options are right/best?
  • Do you know Jesus but still feel like your Faith could be stronger? Your life could have more Direction? Your life could have more Focus? You could have more Confidence that you’re doing what God wants you to be doing?

God Will Empower Those Who
Invest In His Will For Their Lives!

These things we’ve looked at: fear, doubts, confusion, lack of knowledge, good fruit or direction – these things are not inevitable. They’re the result of not living according to important biblical truths and letting them guide your steps.

This, is like a powerful, jam-packed 400-page how-to guide for everything you need to know, believe, and do for the Christian life. Then it is supplemented with evaluations and exercises to apply it to your life.

It’s like “Mere Christianity” meets “Purpose-Driven Life” meets deep, biblical theology, Christian apologetics, pastoral discipleship, and actionable life coaching to improve your life, help you grow personally and spiritually, and get on fire for God’s unique mission for you. Get it now and start shifting the direction of your life today!

This landmark work marries biblical Christian doctrine with actionable life coaching. Using cars as a metaphor for individuals, and a long journey as a metaphor for life, pastor, Christian apologist, and empowerment life coach Brian Holmes navigates the journey with you. Packed with creative car metaphors and graphics woven throughout, every vital aspect of Christian belief and living are covered, arranged sequentially and holistically in a memorable and applicable way.

Equal parts theology, apologetics, discipleship training, personal growth, and life direction, you’ll gain a deeper grasp of the Christian pilgrimage and a closer relationship with God along the way. It covers everything from the nature of God and meaning of life to worksheets to determine what you should do today for success tomorrow.

After the Bible, this colorful, insightful, and engaging course will be the next most important discipleship material for you to have and will assist and empower you for a lifetime!

Endorsed by

Missionary Church USA is a fast growing, church multiplying evangelical denomination committed to making disciples, with two million members worldwide. Learn more at

Start With Yourself, Then...

Take your church, small group, or someone you're one-on-one discipling through the entire book or certain chapters. They can choose from paperback, ebook, audiobook, or individual chapter courses to save costs.

Includes Downloadable, Printable Reading Plans for Small Groups.

Divide the chapters into 12-week, 9-week, or 6-week semesters. Learn more.

Downloadable, Printable Personal Evaluation and Discussion Questions!


President & Lead Pastor, Coach, Author Brian Holmes

Brian S. Holmes is President and Lead Pastor of MPowered Christian Ministries, an evangelical ministry dedicated to mobilizing disciples to advance the Kingdom of God globally. He holds degrees in divinity and ministry from Christian Leaders College. He's a Certified Strategic Intervention Life Coach, Certified Life Coach Minister, Certified Deliverance Minister, Certified Mental Coach, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Certified Personal Trainer. He leads Disciple Makers Church, is the Belong Director at Generation Church Largo, FL, and lead teacher of the Aramaic Broadcast Network's 10/40 Discipleship program which translates his content into multiple languages and publishes it via multiple satellites throughout the world. He is the author of The Empowered Christian Road Map, Aimless, Ready Set Go, and numerous training courses. He is the host of The Empower Hour and Freedom Fridays, which both stream to a worldwide audience. The reach of his ministry currently exceeds 5 million. He's also available for private deliverance ministry, pastoral counseling, and life coaching at