The TRUTH about the RAPTURE and the Tribulation
Learn the different end times views of the church and what the Bible actually says. Gain clarity about what’s most important to know and act upon today and be better prepared for the future.
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Course Introduction
Printable Course STUDY GUIDE
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Premillennialism
Lesson 3: Postmillennialism and Amillennialism
Lesson 4: What Jesus Said
Lesson 5: What Paul Said
Lesson 6: The Final Harvest
Lesson 7: Out of Tribulation We Rise
Self-Reflection Assignment
Course Final Exam
Course Survey
8-Part Video Bible Study: Is The Millennium LITERAL?
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Millennium Period Comparisons
Part 3: Covenant Promises, Samuel, Zechariah
Part 4: Kingdom Reign, Jeremiah, Hebrews
Part 5: Under Heaven, Daniel, Isaiah
Part 6: Ezekiel Prophetic Overview
Part 7: Ezekiel Continued, Temple
Part 8 - Amos 9, Wrap Up, Conclusion
Bonus #1 Survey (Millennium Bible Study)
Promo Video
PDF of Printable Course Quiz & Group Discussion Questions
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Step #3 in our Prioritize Your Life Series you'll learn the different end times views of the church and what the Bible actually says. Gain clarity about what’s most important to know and act upon today and be better prepared for the future.
Learn a detailed Bible study about what Jesus, Paul, and John all said about the End Times events
Learn what the "millennium" is, when it is (is it literal? in the future? right now?), and how what you believe about this affects your future and your present
Learn about Historic Premillennialism, Dispensational Premillennialism, Postmillennialism and Amillennialism (in an easy-to-understand way!)
Learn why some believe that there will be a rapture of the church and why others don’t and think you need to be prepared to endure through tribulation
Learn how to recognize who the Antichrist is and what needs to happen before he can come (so you aren't falling for false prophecies or weird conspiracy theories)
Learn what is most important to focus on for now and the future and what to do with your life right now to be prepared for the future
The “End Times” topic has been either shrouded in mystery or it has been convoluted with theological technical language and odd conspiracy theories. The result is that most of the Christian Church has no clue about what the Bible actually says regarding this topic and even fewer think it even matters. The TRUTH is that it actually matters A LOT!
We believe that what a person understands and believes about the End Times dramatically affects their faith, the quality of their relationship with God, their day-to-day lifestyle, and their answer to God’s unique calling on their life. The topic doesn’t need to be complicated it has just been made that way. We’ve simplified it so that it can be learned, understood, and applied in just a few hours.
Our course is set up like a 7-part Bible Study with video lectures. The videos guide you through a slideshow that already has all the main points and Scripture on it, so you don’t need anything else to follow along. Every verse is meticulously detailed and outlined so that if you want to follow along using a different translation you easily can.
We’ve also included an additional 8-part Bible Study about the Millennial Reign. This study thoroughly examines and compares the two main views! Some things you'll learn:
Why you may have way more spiritual authority right now than you thought
How to investigate and analyze claims made by modern prophecy teachers
Is there a possible third temple in Jerusalem that is coming?
How all of this impacts you right now and could change how you do church today
We’ve also included a 2-hour video providing a detailed examination of common questions people have. Some things you'll learn:
What are the Actual End Times Signs of Jesus' Return?
Did Jesus and Paul Believe the End Would Come During Their Lifetimes?
Could Our Enduring Tribulation and Even our Deaths Glorify God?
Could The End Be A Couple Years Away?
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Note says: "This is a 30-lesson, 5-hour course with a graded exam. Completion of this course demonstrates commitment to growing as a disciple of Jesus, and studies in all main eschatological views with a focus given to amillennialism. Course provides student increased biblical literacy, old and new testament studies, testing, and preparation to embrace end time tribulation as a witness for Jesus."