User understands and agrees to all terms:

No selling or sharing of content. Videos, printable files, PDF slideshow, and any other content we include in our courses are not permitted to be downloaded by the user in order to be either sold or given away to others, either in person, online, on social media, or through peer-to-peer sharing networks.

Separate User account for each individual.

For the people that you're discipling please have them create their own member account. This is why we have a lower price level 3 and a leader level 4, and a church+ (group) level 5. The one exception is spouses may share a single account, though we do prefer that they also have separate accounts. The name that is on file and in communities, will be the one put on certificates earned.

All churches, groups, assemblies, etc must have a sole leader who creates their own account on behalf of the rest of the group and purchases the course on behalf of the group, in order to have access to the materials. There is not to be a sharing of one individual accounts that is distributed to many individuals.

Church or Small Group use. We DO allow users that have organized as a Church, a home church, a Bible study group, small group, etc. to USE the materials in order to teach their assembly. However, only the "leader" who purchased the course is to have access to the actual online course itself. They may login to teach from it and to download the materials to be used at their assembly.

But other than these stipulations, you are free to organize assemblies or groups and teach them using our materials. If anyone in your assembly progresses on to start their own assembly, that is great, but they must create their own account and purchase the courses for themselves.

Please help us protect our materials which will help keep them affordable for all so that we can work together for the Great Commission!